Devalytics - DIY detailed Analytics
I am archiving this project because DEV has added a more in-depth analytics - The remaining portion of this post I will be leaving up because I think it's fairly educational
I'm a huge math nerd and love creating dashboard/data visualization pages whenever I have the chance. Recently I had some time to work on a personal creative project and decided to tackle one that's been on my "it'd be cool to do this eventually" list - create a daily breakdown dashboard for stats!
Personal Goals going into Devalytics
- Launch Early - Something I know I'm not particularly good at is sharing early and not getting caught in the "Not quite perfect yet" status until I move on to another project.
- Use Dark Colors - I'm not going to say the site is a pure Dark Theme, but I very intentionally wanted to use some darker colors in my design.
- Minimize Cost - This is both monetary cost and mental cost. I want this to hopefully be a viable option for anyone to spin up on their own and not require too many hoops to jump through.
- Note: Heroku and Firebase could require payments if you had enough posts or checked your stats enough on a given day, but I think the break point is high enough that most people won't hit it unless you have many people potentially visiting your site - so unless you share it publicly like I just did, you should be in the clear!
What I used
- Heroku with Node.js for grabbing Dev's API data each morning and pushing the data to Firebase
- Firebase for storing the data
The reasoning for all of these choices are familiarity and personal preference
Set up your own Devalytics
Firebase Setup
- Sign up for/Log in to Firebase
- Create a new project (Name it however you'd like!)
- Set up a Service Account. This is located on your Project's Settings > Service Accounts > Create one for Node.js and save the .json file for reference later (For the Environment variables on Heroku).
- Configure a Firestore Database under Cloud Firestore > Create Database
- I started in Production mode and set the location as the default.
- Set your Firestore rules as:
rules_version = '2';
service cloud.firestore {
match /databases/{database}/documents {
match /{document=**} {
allow read;
allow write: if false;
Heroku Setup
- Sign up for/Log in to a Heroku Account
- Create a new Heroku app (You can name it whatever you want)
- Fork the Devalytics GitHub Repo
- Connect the fork to your Heroku app in your app's dashboard under Deploy > Deployment Method
- Add Environment variables for Firebase & Service Account (Variable names listed below)
- Add the "Heroku Scheduler" add-on to your project and set it to run
npm run daily
once a day at whatever time you desire.
Your API Key
Your Firebase Information (This is presented as a JSON object by firebase - var firebaseConfig)
The following Service Account Variables:
- SA_auth_provider_x509_cert_url
- SA_auth_uri
- SA_client_email
- SA_client_id
- SA_client_x509_cert_url
- SA_private_key
- SA_private_key_id
- SA_project_id
- SA_token_uri
- SA_type
Netlify Setup
- Fork the front end repository
- Sign up for/Log in to a Netlify Account
- Create a new Netlify Site
- Link the new site to your fork of the Frontend repository
- Build Command:
yarn build
- Publish Directory:
- Add Environment variables for Firebase (The same variables as the Firebase section from Heroku above):
This is located under Settings > Build & Deploy > Environment
Where to from here?
One of the unfortunate parts of Devalytics is the inability to backdate data - and if there's ever a day the Heroku script doesn't run for any reason, that day will be lost to the void. Because of that, I wanted to start collecting data as soon as I could, so that as I build more analytics into the site, it will be easier to verify everything is working properly since data will exist for more than 3 (low-activity) days.
Some additions I already know I'd like to add:
- Date Filters
- Article specific data views
- Tag breakdowns
- Don't require clicking "Update" for the Daily Summary chart